11 research outputs found

    Over-the-air Radiated Testing of Millimeter-Wave Beam-steerable Devices in a Cost-Effective Measurement Setup

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    LTE and the evolution to 4G wireless: design and measurement challenges

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    A practical guide to LTE design, test and measurement, this new edition has been updated to include the latest developments This book presents the latest details on LTE from a practical and technical perspective. Written by Agilent's measurement experts, it offers a valuable insight into LTE technology and its design and test challenges. Chapters cover the upper layer signaling and system architecture evolution (SAE). Basic concepts such as MIMO and SC-FDMA, the new uplink modulation scheme, are introduced and explained, and the authors look into the challenges of verifying th

    Two-Stage Over-the-Air (OTA) Test Method for LTE MIMO Device Performance Evaluation

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    With MIMO technology being adopted by the wireless communication standards LTE and HSPA+, MIMO OTA research has attracted wide interest from both industry and academia. Parallel studies are underway in COST2100, CTIA, and 3GPP RAN WG4. The major test challenge for MIMO OTA is how to create a repeatable scenario which accurately reflects the MIMO antenna radiation performance in a realistic wireless propagation environment. Different MIMO OTA methods differ in the way to reproduce a specified MIMO channel model. This paper introduces a novel, flexible, and cost-effective method for measuring MIMO OTA using a two-stage approach. In the first stage, the antenna pattern is measured in an anechoic chamber using a nonintrusive approach, that is without cabled connections or modifying the device. In the second stage, the antenna pattern is convolved with the chosen channel model in a channel emulator to measure throughput using a cabled connection

    Over-the-Air Test Method for 5G mmWave Devices with Beamforming Capabilities

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    Codes of conduct : A case study of four Swedish textile companies' work with codes of conduct

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    Idag anvĂ€nder sig mĂ„nga textilföretag av lĂ„nga leverantörskedjor över stora avstĂ„nd samtidigtsom företagens omgivning stĂ€ller allt högre krav pĂ„ dem i samband med sociala frĂ„gor. Dethar resulterat i ett allt större behov av att kunna kontrollera företagens produktion. PĂ„ grundav det har uppförandekoder blivit allt vanligare. Uppförandekoder Ă€r ett sĂ€tt för företagen attförsĂ€kra sig om att deras produkter tillverkas pĂ„ ett socialt ansvarstagande sĂ€tt. Dock finns detflera frĂ„getecken i samband med om uppförandekoder verkligen fyller sitt syfte.Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att utvĂ€rdera hur fyra svenska textilföretag arbetar meduppförandekoder för att minimera de sociala problem som finns i deras leverantörskedjor. Viville undersöka företagens arbete med uppförandekoderna samt deras innehĂ„ll, uppbyggnad,struktur och sprĂ„k och pĂ„ sĂ„ vis ta reda pĂ„ vilka problem företagen anser vara kopplade tilldetta arbete för att skapa förutsĂ€ttningar för vidare forskning samt ge en djupare förstĂ„else förhur man borde arbeta med uppförandekoder inom textilföretag.Undersökningen bygger pĂ„ primĂ€r data vilket bestĂ„r av företagens uppförandekoder ochinsamlat material frĂ„n intervjuer med de personer som ansvarar för uppförandekoden pĂ„företagen. De företag som studerats och intervjuats Ă€r Nudie Jeans Co, Tailor Store, Hemtexoch BlĂ„klĂ€der.VĂ„r studie visar att företagen sjĂ€lva anser att kontrollen av att uppförandekoderna efterföljssamt brister i arbetsförhĂ„llanden utgör de största problemen i deras arbete meduppförandekoderna. Vi anser dock att det största problem för samtliga undersökta företag harmed trovĂ€rdighet att göra dĂ„ sĂ„ mycket av deras arbete med sin uppförandekod prĂ€glas avsekretess.Today, many textile companies use long supply chains over large distances while thecompanies’ environment is putting more pressure on them in connection with social issues.This has resulted in an increasing need to control the companies’ production and because ofthis, codes of conduct have become increasingly used. Codes of conduct are a way forcompanies to ensure that their products are produced in a socially responsible way. However,there are several question marks if the code of conduct actually constitutes its purpose.The purpose of this paper is to evaluate four Swedish textile companies’ work to minimize thesocial problems that exist in their supply chains. An additional purpose is to examine thecodes of conduct content, constituents, structure and language and thus find out whatproblems companies believe to be connected to this work to create conditions for furtherresearch and provide a deeper understanding of how to work with codes of conduct in thetextile business.The study is based on primary data consisting of corporate codes of conduct and materialcollected from interviews with the persons responsible for each of the companies’ code ofconduct. The companies studied and interviewed are Nudie Jeans Co, Tailor Store, Hemtexand BlĂ„klĂ€der.Our study shows that companies themselves believe that the enforcement of codes of conductare followed and inadequate working conditions are the biggest problems in their work withtheir codes of conduct. However, we believe that the biggest problem for all the investigatedcompanies is credibility because much of their work with their codes of conduct ischaracterized by secrecy.Program: Textilekonomutbildninge